While we all know about our yield monitor’s ability to generate yield maps, yield monitors and other precision ag tools can offer other benefits as well. And while yield maps…
Author: Beck's Field Agronomists
Yield Components of Corn
Corn grain yield, typically measured in bushels per acre, can be broken down into distinct components that each contribute to the weight of harvested grain. While genetics govern some yield…
Nematodes in Corn Production
Often, when farmers hear the word nematodes, their minds gravitate towards soybeans; however, there are multiple plant-parasitic nematodes that cause serious damage to the corn plant. The level of injury…
Assessing Corn Pollination: What Can We Learn?
We are quickly approaching the time with corn tassels will be emerging and the fruit of our labor will be apparent. In this case, the fruit will be freshly pollinated…
New Players in Fungicides
Did you know that around 10% of the total estimated corn and soybean bushels are lost yearly to various diseases? According to the Crop Protection Network, 10% has been the…
A New Spin on Pre-Emerge Herbicides
In the weed science world, we spend a lot of time discussing soybean herbicide programs, but very little time talking about corn programs. Why is so little time spent on…