The Sower: August 2021

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The Sower: August 2021

“He who believes in Me, as the Scripture said, From his innermost being will flow rivers of living water.” John 7:38

As a kid, I can remember getting a really small object at the store that looked like nothing, but when you put it in water, it grew into a sponge shaped like an animal. It was pretty cool. It was nothing, and then when it was filled, it was something! Kind of like us. Before we are filled with Jesus, we are nothing, really. Just existing. Just surviving. Once we realize there is something more and invite Jesus in (John 7:37), we are filled with His Spirit and begin the journey to become all that He created us to be. But the journey is so much more and does not end with being filled. You see, Jesus does not just want to fill us up with living water, but He wants the living water to be squeezed out of us! For it is in the squeezing out of you and me that many more will see, feel, be convicted and introduced to Jesus… be filled… become new… and the whole process begins again. Making disciples to make disciples to make disciples (Matthew 28:18-20).

So how about it?

Let the squeezing begin!


~ Mark Knapp – Beck’s Chaplain