The Sower: May 2019

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“…but if we walk in the Light as He Himself is in the Light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus His Son cleanses us from all sin.” – 1 John 1:7

Recently, I started my car and noticed the battery light had come on. I had put a new battery in the car in the fall, so I felt certain I did not need a new one. But being somewhat, well, being really mechanically challenged, I thought it just had to be a short in the warning light or something not that important on my 2005 car.

So, I put off having it checked. When mentioning it to others, they said they have had warning lights come on and drove the car for a long time without having any issues. A few days later, I was busy running some errands while on my way home for a meeting when I went to accelerate, and nothing happened. Lights started to flash, and the car started to shake.

With cars behind me, I tried to get to the edge of the road and pull over. What an empty feeling. It turns out the warning light was giving me a heads up that my alternator was not doing its job and in fact, was failing. And it did….fail!

As I reflect back on the event, God reminded me quickly how so many in our world are ignoring THE LIGHT, and by doing so, there will be grave consequences far beyond the little inconveniences in this life. Heed THE LIGHT…Jesus is calling!

~ Mark Knapp – Beck’s Chaplain