The Sower: September 2018

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“I have loved you,” says the Lord. But you say, “How have You loved us?” – Malachi 1:1-2

I am not sure about you, but when growing up, if I talked back to my parents, grandparents, or elders of any kind – relative or not – there were swift consequences to pay…by me. Talking back was a BIG no-no. Even if you were right, there was a correct way in which to communicate and talking back was not it. How much more consequence should there be when we talk back to God?

The prophet Malachi was communicating on behalf of God to Israel regarding their “lackluster religious life” (Believer’s Bible Commentary) consisting of mixed marriages, bad financial practices, withholding tithes and spiritual apathy. Israel reacted by talking back to God and questioning when they knew to be true. Personally, it did not take long for me, after suffering the consequences for talking back, to decide I ought not to do that.

The book of Malachi was written thousands of years ago and yet we as a people, even after suffering many consequences, continue to talk back to God, blame Him, or pay Him no mind.

When will we ever learn?

~ Mark Knapp – Beck’s Chaplain